Some things my dad has taught me, and things he is continuing to teach me everyday.
* How to love big!
He may look like he is a big bad , mean guy, but my dad is the nicest guy ever! He is just a big teddy bear that would do anything for anyone anytime!
* It's ok to be mad, but DO NOT take it out on other people.
Dad is known for this around our house, and I take after him. Awesome. Whenever he is having a bad day he will let you know about it, and how he feels about it. Sometimes that means being crusty and taking it out on everyone around him. Even his sweet, sweet, beautiful daughter who is just trying to do good in the world. (hint: that;s me ;))
* It IS ok to laugh at yourself.
I think this frustrates him the most about his kids. We tend to take things too seriously. My dad is the BIGGEST teaser in the world. So when he teases us he expects/wants us to laugh about it and tease him back, but we take it personally and run off and cry. I am slowly learning-or-finally learning that he really doesn't mean it, and hes only kidding. It's taken me awhile, but I think i'm finally there...Sorry it's taking so long dad! :)
He teases everyone about everything! Be careful what you tell him cause he could use it against you someday.
* My dad has taught me that sometimes it's ok to wear your heart on you r sleeve, and to tell people how you feel..Or to state your opinion I guess sounds better..haha He is always telling me to not let people walk over me. And I think I am like my mom in that way.. We don't want there to be any confrontation. My dad gets so frustrated with this cause a lot of the time after the fact we complain, and he says, "you should have told them no! Or how you really felt." We're just trying to be Christ-like :)*He has also taught us kids to stick up for ourselves. One time I remember my brother, Cole came home from school one day and this kid made fun of him. When Cole told us who the kid was my dad said...and I quote,"You should have beat the crap outta him! You could have taken him. You are so much bigger than he is!" And my mom wonders why we are the way we are sometimes....... ;)
* He reassures us all he time that the gospel is true. He knows this, and it just comes natural to him to believe it. He is a huge example to me, and to the rest of my family in that.
* You teach by example.
Dad doesn't care at all what people think of him, and just by watching him he teaches me to not care so much either. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself, and as long as you are ok with you. Then that's it. You'll be fine.
*He taught us to not regret anything.
Dad is always telling us stories about how he wishes he was this kind of father, or he wishes he did this, or that. And he tells us all the time to not take anything for granite.
*He taught us to take care of ourselves. Physically.
If you know my dad you know he is a big guy. He is always concerned about his weight, and how he should have done better in the physical deparment. He hates it, and he never wants us to feel that way. He is constantly reminding us to not be like him-physcially. To take care of yourself, watch what you eat, and exercise.
*^ that being said..... He taught us how to LOVE food! haha I don't know if he taught us this exactly...but us kids all got that trait from him. Dads favorite food is like chips. Chips and salsa, chips, and dip, chips with cheese, chips without, every kind of chip-yuou name it-he loves it. haha Seriously.
* My dad has taught me how hard work really does pay off.
A few things about my dad:
He LOVES hunting! And he loves to watch it! When we were little, and the little kids now know the theme song to all the hunting shows! It's pretty sad actually...haha
His favorite colors are Blue and Green.
He loves all kinds of sports! In high school he was way good at track, foot ball, and wrestling.
In track at last minute he was chosen to do the high hurdles that he never did before, and got 4th place in the state! He ran like a black boy!
In football the NAU coach came up to his coach and said he would trade all of his players just to have my dad on his team!
He coached my older brother, Cole in wrestling. And he knew how to smash a softball for the city softball leagues.
His favorite snack-like I mentioned above-he loves chips and salsa. Mexican is definitely is favorite. Although, I think everything my ma makes he likes. Just cause he loves my mom so much!
He is such a great example to me! And having him be such a great father, and husband to my mom shows me what kind of guy I should be looking for. I want one who is just like my dad!