Friday, May 4, 2012

videos by eric

so...  whenever i leave my phone in another room, like on the bed & walk away, eric always makes videos of himself. most of the time they are hilarious.
*let's get real. all of them are hilarious.

this one is one of my favorites.

enjoy! <3

Thursday, May 3, 2012

5 months

welp, he is almost half a year old!

height:97th percentile
weight: 90th percentile
head circumference: 90th percentile

this little guy is seriously the happiest baby.

he brings so much joy unto our lives, & we couldn't be more in love with him!

eric just said, "if we could know that all our kids would be this easy, we would have them one right after another."

& i totally agree. <3

*hApPy ThUrSdAy!