Things in Mesa are good. I really do love it down there now! It's so different than living in Cottonwood! I didn't really notice the difference until about a week ago. haha I've lived there for 5 months now. I'm not really observant.
Anyway, I love it! Except my cousin Chelsea moved back home! :( I was living with her and she left me stranded in the big city all by myself!! :( The night before she was going home she slept in my bed, and we took some crazy pictures!
We started playing wiggles, then we uped our game and played Ultimate Wiggles!
You yell out an animal right before you take the picture and try and be that animal! It's fun. Here are some pictures. It's been awhile since I looked at these and I can't Quite remember which animal we were trying to be in some of these. So.. see if you can guess! haha
WARNING: These pictures contain some not so quite "pretty" faces of myself. I promise you I do not look like this on a daily basis. I was just caught on an off day!
In this one I'm almost positive we were trying to be either, A)A Tiger, B) A Lion, or C) A bear.
Yup. We were trying to be a Giraffe. Well... at least I was!
In these last 3 we were just playing wiggles. We know. We know. We're pro.
Can you do better?! Show me! I'd love to see.
P.S. Alicia, you still have YET to show me some of your's and Dan's faces!!
Moving on..
I have the opportunity of working for my cousin Natalie Witcher-used to be Taylor.
Her and her Hubby manage a pest control business out of their home. And I go over and help with her kiddies a lot. Once they're down for their nap, I do office stuff for her.
I love it! Her boys are seriously SO cute. They get pretty crazy sometimes, but they're so cute!
This last week When I worked for her I took them to the park like every other day.
Here are some pictures of that.
I need to take more pictures of them! They crack me up sometimes and do the funniest stuff. I forget sometimes that I have a camera when I'm over there so these are like all the pictures I have of them. Sad. I know.
I put Austin in a box thing one day, and he loved it. This picture doesn't show it though. haha
Just for future reference: I recently taught him how to say hi! I just love his chubby cheeks and big brown eyes!! =)
This is Crusty Lu-casa. Lucas is SO sweet when his brother Ethan isn't around. haha Ethan brings out his "wild side" and together they are crazy! He's Ethan's sidekick for sure!
I LOVE how he calles me Jenner-Poop-A-Nenner! His mom taught him this, and ever since then he's called me everyday! I love it! (My Uncle Glenn-Nat's dad has called me Jenner-Penner-Popp-A-Nenner ever since I was little)
If you ask Lucas to do anything for you..he will! He is SO SO SO sweet! He is so funny. Sometimes he'll cry for no reason, and you ask why, and he'll say, "I don't know." But after you ask him that he'll stop.
Lucas loves to pretend to be animals! Especially a sharp tooth!(a T-Rex)He reminds me of how my brother Cole was when he was little. (refer to post about Cole in an earlier post).
The other day at the park he sat down by me and asked, "Hey Jenner-Poop-A-Nenner, how is your day today?" He is so cute! I love his tiny baby voice! He calls himself a baby and it's very true. He is! haha
Ethan is the one in the blue shirt. He wouldn't let me take a picture of him that day. Which is weird cause whenever I take my camera out-not very often obviously, but he usually loves it.
Ehan is definitely the big brother! He bosses Lucas around and Lucas does whatever Ethan is doing, or asks him to do.
He has the biggest, blue eyes that will make your heeart melt! it is very hard to get mad at those baby blues! He is very stubborn, and wants his way all the time! He is also VERY sweet! He loves to give Austin, and his cousin Sexy Lexi-Jill's baby, hugs and kisses all the time!
He loves to pretend to be animals like Lucas too.
He is definitely going to be a heartbreaker when he gets older! He's so handsome!
I'll have to get a picture of those big blue eyes! =)
They just wanted to play in the dirt the whole time! There really was a play ground and stuff. These are the only ones I got of them though.
Another big happening that happened...
Today I got my bangs cut, and I don't know how I like them wtih my short hair. I feel like I look like an egyptian. haha oh well...
I love the bangs...seriously, you look soooooo cute.
Hi Gentry, it's Landry's mom!! He said he had meeting and hanging out with you all when he was with Brock.
I hope to meet you someday too!
Okay you are the biggest goober I have ever known!! That's why I love you Lil Jen...
OK that is a FUN game (the animal shouting out)...I am going to try it GIRLS camp. Not sure I will ever be able to get Dan on camera...but that would be sweet blackmail eh? Ok NATS babes are DARLING the youngest has the MOST beautiful eyes!! EVER. your hair is ALWAYS cute...I don;t think you could look ugly EVER!
Nats boys are so cute! and love the bangs, and the wiggles!
SO FUNNY!!! I am still laughing from reading your posts! Nats boys are too cute! I also think your bangs look really cute... especially with the beautiful faces!
I love your bangs. Of coarse you always look beautiful no matter what. Come to Utah and stay with me!! There's Lot's of cute boys here!:)
You are so hilarious! Seriously I love it! I am so glad you are around! I have got to try Ultimate wiggles-I am so excited-the best thing is you are confident enough to put them on your blog for all to see
Hey Girly! I loved your silly faces, they cracked me up! If you ever get bored here in Mesa, call me and you can babysit my kids! ha ha jk, we'll go do something fun! Love ya,
haha yeah Jen is the confident one! haha i would never do that its like bkackmail to me haha jk i dont know care! and jen you always always look so so cute, everytime we would get ready i just was like whatever cause you always look so cute! so dont go there jentryann! and cant wait to see you new years!! this time your sleeping outside the bears can smell you! hahaha
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