Monday, April 19, 2010

1 month

today, eric & i celebrated one month since this day:

 it has been thebest. month. ever.

this early afternoonish eric brought me flowers at work. 
 *it made my day just to see him. the flowers helped too. :)

i made dinner tonight too! chicken pillows  
*they are eric's fav
and i totally know why. 
seriously, so good! {and super easy!}

tonight we just chilled. 
actually... i checked eric out while he worked on the laundry room. 
we're sprucing it up a bit. 
*he's so hot when he does it. ;)

this month has seriously been the best month of my life. 
i've spent it hanging with my bff & the <3 of my life. 

im SO glad you married me. 
you've made me the happiest girl, like, ever. 
 i can't wait to spend a badjillion more years with you!

i love you SOOOOOO much! 

your wife,



runningfan said...

You two are so cute.

angiedunn said...

so sweet. {still} so happy for you kids...

granny said...

Oh, that makes me happy. I wish I looked that good painting my bathroom cabinet tonight. Hahahaha.

The Roberts Family said...

congrats you guys!!! your so cute!! you just got started on blogging and you have like the same amount of "followers" as i do :)