Monday, July 21, 2008

Hasta La Vista Cottonwood!

I have been going to and from Mesa for the past like month. Seriously, I didn't think that drive could get old, but it has. Sad. I feel like I have been living out of a suit case for the past month. I haven't spent more than a week at home for 3 weeks. And I will continue to live like this for the next 2 weeks. =(
On Wednesday I am going back down to Mesa to pass another interview for Buckle. Then I am going to Showlow on Friday for my cousins farewell, then it's back home for 2 days and off to the Heap Reunion for the rest of the week. Then...."Hasta La Vista Cottonwood!" YES!!
I am moving! First week of August is going to be the moving special! There is gonna be lots of sweat, heavy lifting, lots of trips back and forth from Cottonwood to Mesa, and lots of tears, happy and sad ones. I don't have a set date, but who cares. I am outta here and it feels good! I don't have a picture of the house, but I do have a picture from the Google Map for your viewing pleasure! Just look below. =)

I hope you can see it.. Ha it kinda is a weird picture.

I'll work on getting real pictures of the outside and inside! It's so cute! And perfect.I am so excited! It is going to be so weird living on my own! With no rules but my own! =) It's going to be so fun! The scary thing is I am going to be actually working for a living! I have to work to LIVE! Darn. I am packing my stuff this week! And that is going to be a crazy mess. Wish me luck. =)


The Sorensen Bunch said...

AAAH! I am so excited for you!! It is nice to move on tot he next stage in life HOWEVER...I am SAD and SO SAD for your mommy! Your house looks big-we'll have to come TP it sometime-ha ha ha

TexasTwinsTwice said...

oh i am soooo thrilled for you. You are going to have the time of your life!!!! yay for this blog so we can keep up with all you're doing!